Tiana's project....

Does a photo a day project mean I have to post a photo every.single.day???? Well, if that's the case I have failed already!! So maybe instead I should call this project "Tiana's last year before School post a photo whenever I can find the motivation and time to post a photo project" hmmmmm...great title I think!!!! 

Anyway on to the photos....

Day 2 - 08.03.12. 
Tiana has news every Friday at preschool. This Friday she decided she wanted to take in some photo's of her new house for news. So, I let her take me around the house and was completely guided by her. We didn't really get any of the house itself, and she decided she preferred to pose in front of the camera instead! Here's some of the photos she took in for news....(there was a lot more, the poor teachers were probably falling asleep by the time she got to "and here's one of a leaf, and here's one of an ant, oh and this one is of our grass.....zzzzzzzz"

Day 3 - 10.03.12 - 
Took the kids out to our local pub/bistro for dinner. There's a huge indoor kids area, and we get a bit of time off while the kids run off and play in the playground. Quickly grabbed these shots before we left home, as she looked so grown up.....stop growing so fast my baby princess xx


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